Paul Scholes, He scores GOALS!

After 95minutes of tense and palpitation, United finally after 9years of wait going to Moscow for the Champions League Final. Sugar, if I watch 10 back to back matches like this again I think I'll be admit to A&E for having angina. Guess thats another reason Men tends to have Ishaemic Heart Disease, from the heartache, the drama and the ups and downs of the world of football!

It will be a fitting final for United as this year is the 50th anniversary of the Munich Disaster. As I commented before, if United continues/consistently plays with Urgency,Impressive work rate, 'In your face football' and with positive attitude, they can win everything, example the 7-1 trashing of Roma last year but the case is they dont. They seems to play better when they were put on the edge of a cliff (this goes to you too Fergie!).

Hope it will be an highly entertaining final curtain in Moscow (tho stats show that whenever two teams from the same country played in the CL final it will be dull as reading a Biochemistry book)

*red arrow, Paul Scholes playing with his neighbourhood team in recent local football tournament

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