Kiri,kanan,depan,belakang,atas dan bawah orang akan menkomplen, tidak kira secara siber atau terus ketelinga..haih, ada yang mengkomplen fasal kerja "Bleep aku asik berbunyi,tlgla ambil dia jauh dari ku","list pesakit ku ramai sekali,aku mcm nak gila dah", fasal perhubungan "oh kekasihku atan suka merajukje,aku xrasa kita boleh kekal bersama selamanya", fasal rupa diri "adakah aku kelihatan gemuk?", "adakah aku kelihatan tua berdampingan dengan atan", fasal peperilksaan "adui, tahun akhir ini mmg gila betui" dan fasal persatuan dan lain-lain lagi fasal. Saya juga tengah mengkomplen fasal komplen. Lumrahnya, memang tiada salah untuk anda mengekspresi ketidakpuasan kita kerana memendamnya akan menimbulkan rasa kecelaruan dalam hati dan depresi..tetapi, jikalau orang yang sama kerap menkomplen fasal benda yang sama pada setiap waktu dan hari yang sama tidakkah anda rasa mahu memotong telinga sendiri?..
Sometimes we have to pull up our own pants and head straight on,challenging what lies ahead. It is you that choose your own path i.e work,studies,lovelife,restaurant..bersyukurla tho boleh je nak komplen ke kawan2 sekali dua kan;)
p/s: My first Malay language entry! WEE!
To Raya or Not to Raya
Selamat Menyambut Aidiladha, how i wish Tallaght Hospital will give out free ketupat,lemang and rendang for tomorow..but that will not happen eventho a cat already grows a horn
Medicine Pearls
"Final year medical students are dehydrated until proven otherwise", A Colorectal Consultant, 935am, West Side
few things i plan to accomplish for my carrier in the future(being planning these since 19 of age)
1- build an orphanage
2- go to sabah/perkampungan orang asli to work for charity
3- go to africa (been there done that but the desire to go there again still persist,longer stay perhaps)
4- jual goreng pisang
except for No. 4 & perhaps No. 1 and may be No. 2 as well,i think No.3 will be hard to pursue as working and the race to become a specialist makes my balancing act difficult. Tho you may argue that i can do that after becoming a specialist but doing these things when you still have the darahmuda(less than 35) is way better..
pees out dog!im outtie
1- build an orphanage
2- go to sabah/perkampungan orang asli to work for charity
3- go to africa (been there done that but the desire to go there again still persist,longer stay perhaps)
4- jual goreng pisang
except for No. 4 & perhaps No. 1 and may be No. 2 as well,i think No.3 will be hard to pursue as working and the race to become a specialist makes my balancing act difficult. Tho you may argue that i can do that after becoming a specialist but doing these things when you still have the darahmuda(less than 35) is way better..
pees out dog!im outtie
Few current updates
1) 5th med done and dusted, tho it felt a bit dragging towards the end but overall it has been a good year. It doesnt felt as much of a honeymoon as being describe by the seniors, but without any major stressful exam in it, i wouldnt complaint much;D plus new friends are made too!
2) Going to experience final year starting this Sept, quoted my classmate on our way to friday prayers 'adui dah xboleh main2 lagi, kene berkurungla nampaknye' (cannot play play anymore). May God bless us all;D
3) With no.2 taken aside, summer holidays is on!Wooohooo, will be in Malaysia from the 30th of June- 31st of August. After 2years deprive from living in Malaysia, im really looking forward to this one. Plus summer holidays in Malaysia means 'mating season', few of my friends (the important ones are Hanif Mahmud+Aneesa) are going to tie the knot as the rush is still on before the year 2013, where there'll be no more 'nombor bertuah' (121212 is the last one till the 3rd millenium)
2) Going to experience final year starting this Sept, quoted my classmate on our way to friday prayers 'adui dah xboleh main2 lagi, kene berkurungla nampaknye' (cannot play play anymore). May God bless us all;D
3) With no.2 taken aside, summer holidays is on!Wooohooo, will be in Malaysia from the 30th of June- 31st of August. After 2years deprive from living in Malaysia, im really looking forward to this one. Plus summer holidays in Malaysia means 'mating season', few of my friends (the important ones are Hanif Mahmud+Aneesa) are going to tie the knot as the rush is still on before the year 2013, where there'll be no more 'nombor bertuah' (121212 is the last one till the 3rd millenium)
Oh Waw!! *yawn* ~sigh
If a GP has 2000 patients
- 40 patients will have coronary artery disease
- 300 will have Blood pressure higher than 140/90
- 20 patients will have lower respiratory tract infection
- 1-2 patients with new epilepsy cases
- 10-15 patients with epilepsy consulting
- 5-10 with schizophrenia to look after

p/s: Its just like Penilaian Menengah Rendah History paper revisited
- 40 patients will have coronary artery disease
- 300 will have Blood pressure higher than 140/90
- 20 patients will have lower respiratory tract infection
- 1-2 patients with new epilepsy cases
- 10-15 patients with epilepsy consulting
- 5-10 with schizophrenia to look after

p/s: Its just like Penilaian Menengah Rendah History paper revisited
Today mark the longest history I ever took from a patient. It lasted for 75minutes and he was a manic patient. Makes me think, someone who's talkative and likes to layan borak should be encourage to become Psychiarist, and i really meant it. (take note Azlan Helmy). Malaysia needs more psychiatrist, too many orang gila on the street man! I remember when I was 8 years old, there's this shortcircuit man named John(at least thats what we called him), living in the playground's pondok, wearing only his brown colour brief. One fine morning, we caught him taking a crap beside a tree in the playground. From that day onwards we didnt dare to go to that part of the field.
By the by, in the end, as my reward for being patience, he praised me for being a good listener,attentive and that i will end up to be a good doctor, well thats if i pass my exams sir. Oh how joyful!
By the by, in the end, as my reward for being patience, he praised me for being a good listener,attentive and that i will end up to be a good doctor, well thats if i pass my exams sir. Oh how joyful!
Doing The Beck's
You put your left foot out, you swing your right foot in, and you slipped it all about,
You do The Beck's penalty and you end yourself with tears,
That's what is all about :D

Hokey-Pokey Beck's Penalty
You do The Beck's penalty and you end yourself with tears,
That's what is all about :D

Hokey-Pokey Beck's Penalty
Fair to say, he got what he deserved, and quoting Mr. Timberlake, 'what comes around comes around', earlier during the incident where Drogba was sent off, he spat on Tevez, disgusting character for a former/wannabe England captain i say.
Its Crunch Time!
Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam
Ever tired waiting for your delayed flight in hard unfriendly for ass seat?, ever wanting to sleep on a more comfortable chair while waiting for your early morning flight?
If yes, then try Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam, they have Comfort Seats Zones with loads of really comfortable ala lazy chair for you frequent airflyers out there to rest & recharge. They also large children's play area to keep your buzzing kids occupied. Plus is all under one roof, no more hassle of taking the shuttle to go to other terminals.
And if you are not satisfied with their seats, why dont you try the floor:p
Yup, for you Malaysian flyers,MAS and KLM operates on their airport, the tickets are sometimes cheaper than flying through London.
so, want to give it a try? :D
p/s: This picture was taken while waiting for my 5hours delayed flight to Entebbe, Uganda, July 2007
Paul Scholes, He scores GOALS!
After 95minutes of tense and palpitation, United finally after 9years of wait going to Moscow for the Champions League Final. Sugar, if I watch 10 back to back matches like this again I think I'll be admit to A&E for having angina. Guess thats another reason Men tends to have Ishaemic Heart Disease, from the heartache, the drama and the ups and downs of the world of football!
It will be a fitting final for United as this year is the 50th anniversary of the Munich Disaster. As I commented before, if United continues/consistently plays with Urgency,Impressive work rate, 'In your face football' and with positive attitude, they can win everything, example the 7-1 trashing of Roma last year but the case is they dont. They seems to play better when they were put on the edge of a cliff (this goes to you too Fergie!).
Hope it will be an highly entertaining final curtain in Moscow (tho stats show that whenever two teams from the same country played in the CL final it will be dull as reading a Biochemistry book)
*red arrow, Paul Scholes playing with his neighbourhood team in recent local football tournament
Fergie, where art thou?
Somebody needs to knock some sense out of Sir Alex Ferguson, he should realized that the best way to defense is to attack, it's all about possession, possession and possession. He should stop fielding an overly cautious side whenever facing a renowned oppenent especially in Europe. Do trust your players Sir, let them play their familiar game with flair, let Rooney play in his favourite role, and lastly used our WINGERS!! wing play is the most potent attacking method for United since the 90s!
Did you remember that we won the treble by playing 4-4-2, with Becks and Giggsy playing in the wing.Didnt you?

Fergie, please dont let us down...please
Did you remember that we won the treble by playing 4-4-2, with Becks and Giggsy playing in the wing.Didnt you?

Fergie, please dont let us down...please
The Lonely Little Chicken
Once in a beautiful village in Sungai Rambai, there lives a little chicken. For the sake of animosity we name him The Lonely Little Chicken. Lonely Little Chicken was new to the village, and he has no friends, everyday he just stare out from his bedroom window wishing he has someone to play with. Yes boys&girls, Lonely Little Chicken was lonely.
One fine evening Lonely Little Chicken decided to go out and find new friends to play with. With his mummy&daddy permission he set out demermine to find one. He was so excited and skip with joy. While walking, Lonely Little Chicken met a Buffalo, Lonely Little Chicken said "Hello Buffalo, my name is Lonely Little Chicken, can I be your friend" with a glowing smile. The Buffalo said "Why not :D". The Buffalo then invited Lonely Little Chicken to the field and to eat the yummy green grass. Lonely Little Chicken couldnt eat grass and wants to play hide and seek instead, but the Buffalo said "Im sorry Lonely Little Chicken, I like to spend my evening eating grass". So Lonely Little Chicken left.
As Lonely Little Chicken walk with his eyes alert for a new friend, he stumble upon a frog. Lonely Little Chicken said, "Hello Mr Froggy, Im Lonely Little Chicken, can I be your friend" with a glowing smile. Mr Frog said " Sure:D, do you want to go for a swim?" Lonely Little Chicken agreed tho he didnt know how to swim. At the pond, Mr Frog jump in first, "Jump in Lonely Little Chicken". Lonely Little Chicken jump in, but to his horror, he sunk. "Help me Mr Frog, I dont know how to swim!", scream Lonely Little Chicken. Luckily for Lonely Little Chicken, Mr Frog is a expert swimmer, he manage to carry Lonely Little Chicken to the shore.
Lonely Little Chicken was sad, he cried because he couldnt find any friends to play with. "I hate this village," cried Lonely Little Chicken. "Now, now, dont you worry Lonely Little Chicken, soon there will be a friend for you play with" said Mr Frog.
Then suddenly, a Little Chicken girl come towards them. "Hie my name is Lala, do you want to play hide and seek with me?" said the Little Chicken Girl. Lonely Little Chicken's face start to glow, he smiles widely and said "Weeee, finally I found a friend!!". "Yes, i do want to play hide and seek with you" again said Lonely Little Chicken excitedly. Lonely Little Chicken jump with joy. Together, Lala and Lonely Little Chicken walk to playground to play.
"Bye-bye Lonely Little Chicken, have fun" said Mr Frog from a far.
They gave Mr Frog a happy wave, and since then, Lala and Lonely Little Chicken were best friends happily ever after.
The End
One fine evening Lonely Little Chicken decided to go out and find new friends to play with. With his mummy&daddy permission he set out demermine to find one. He was so excited and skip with joy. While walking, Lonely Little Chicken met a Buffalo, Lonely Little Chicken said "Hello Buffalo, my name is Lonely Little Chicken, can I be your friend" with a glowing smile. The Buffalo said "Why not :D". The Buffalo then invited Lonely Little Chicken to the field and to eat the yummy green grass. Lonely Little Chicken couldnt eat grass and wants to play hide and seek instead, but the Buffalo said "Im sorry Lonely Little Chicken, I like to spend my evening eating grass". So Lonely Little Chicken left.
As Lonely Little Chicken walk with his eyes alert for a new friend, he stumble upon a frog. Lonely Little Chicken said, "Hello Mr Froggy, Im Lonely Little Chicken, can I be your friend" with a glowing smile. Mr Frog said " Sure:D, do you want to go for a swim?" Lonely Little Chicken agreed tho he didnt know how to swim. At the pond, Mr Frog jump in first, "Jump in Lonely Little Chicken". Lonely Little Chicken jump in, but to his horror, he sunk. "Help me Mr Frog, I dont know how to swim!", scream Lonely Little Chicken. Luckily for Lonely Little Chicken, Mr Frog is a expert swimmer, he manage to carry Lonely Little Chicken to the shore.
Lonely Little Chicken was sad, he cried because he couldnt find any friends to play with. "I hate this village," cried Lonely Little Chicken. "Now, now, dont you worry Lonely Little Chicken, soon there will be a friend for you play with" said Mr Frog.
Then suddenly, a Little Chicken girl come towards them. "Hie my name is Lala, do you want to play hide and seek with me?" said the Little Chicken Girl. Lonely Little Chicken's face start to glow, he smiles widely and said "Weeee, finally I found a friend!!". "Yes, i do want to play hide and seek with you" again said Lonely Little Chicken excitedly. Lonely Little Chicken jump with joy. Together, Lala and Lonely Little Chicken walk to playground to play.
"Bye-bye Lonely Little Chicken, have fun" said Mr Frog from a far.
They gave Mr Frog a happy wave, and since then, Lala and Lonely Little Chicken were best friends happily ever after.
The End
A popular question/comment that were being made by relative, classmates, friends and random individual met in Petrol Kiosk, Post Office or Burger stall was especially a few weeks after the SPM result came out was "Hey, whylah all the JPA/Mara give scholarships to the sons/daughters of overly rich people,the Dato's, the Datins and the Tan Sri? Not fair maa for the poor but clever students who deserve but didin't get it? (which are many, go and ask those students who are currently sitting for STPM and Matriculation) or 'anak pakcik ni dpt 9A SPM jugak tp xdpt pun tawaran ' comments.
Not really sure to answer this, I guess to they (the wealthy ones) do deserve it base on their academic achievements and they are really comfortable using English to converse (which I think is the real high point) but I usually deferred and said "ala, you ask la the JPA/Mara boss, why u ask me one" haha
Not really sure to answer this, I guess to they (the wealthy ones) do deserve it base on their academic achievements and they are really comfortable using English to converse (which I think is the real high point) but I usually deferred and said "ala, you ask la the JPA/Mara boss, why u ask me one" haha
Movie Promo
I have to admit that I'm a sucker for Asian Pacific KungFu Movie. Last 2 summers ago I watched the midnight screening of Dragon Tiger Gate with some friends in Malaysia. Although I had to bear the coldness of the cinema (the aircond was put on fullblast and i was wearing shorts!)and the movie may not be the majority's cup of tea, I absolutely enjoyed it. Recently I stumbled upon a new movie in one of online movie streaming website, title KungFu Dunk.
(promotion poster)
After the successful recipe of combining KungFu+Football, now they tried it on Basketball. Indeed the movie was not disappointing. If you like basketball with a little bit of martial art flavour, nifty hand skill move, crazy highflying dunk that makes LeBron or Kobe looks like an amateur, Ass Kicking KungFu Style and even a song about Tofu this may be a movie that you might like to watch;D
Here's the trailer to wet your apetite, enjoy!

(promotion poster)
After the successful recipe of combining KungFu+Football, now they tried it on Basketball. Indeed the movie was not disappointing. If you like basketball with a little bit of martial art flavour, nifty hand skill move, crazy highflying dunk that makes LeBron or Kobe looks like an amateur, Ass Kicking KungFu Style and even a song about Tofu this may be a movie that you might like to watch;D
Here's the trailer to wet your apetite, enjoy!
Que Sara Sara
Since clinical years started a few incarnation years ago, I'd been asked quite frequently on what am I going to specialise if I manage to pass through Med School and able to work competently in the Internship years. Few weeks before starting Med School, I aspire to be a Neurosurgeon (well, back then I was young and really excited). After realizing that brain+neuro stuff was bit way to complicated, I tucked that dream nicely on a boat and let it sail to Burundi.
Then, one night a few month ago before bedtime, I manage to make a list of options on what specialisation that interests me to be in. The influences are my short few years of clinical experience, heart to heart talk with consultants, electives and my attachments. The future prospect was also considered. So here it goes my top 3 list :
1) Infectious Disease+Global Health
2)Respiratory Medicine
and if I do become a surgeon which I think I may not (finger coordination very poorlah, still shaking somemore), I aspire to be a:
3) Thoracic Surgeon
plus, my classmates said that i'm too nice to become a surgeon, haha, guess they dont know me that well:p
Chop Chop,
Then, one night a few month ago before bedtime, I manage to make a list of options on what specialisation that interests me to be in. The influences are my short few years of clinical experience, heart to heart talk with consultants, electives and my attachments. The future prospect was also considered. So here it goes my top 3 list :
1) Infectious Disease+Global Health
2)Respiratory Medicine
and if I do become a surgeon which I think I may not (finger coordination very poorlah, still shaking somemore), I aspire to be a:
3) Thoracic Surgeon
plus, my classmates said that i'm too nice to become a surgeon, haha, guess they dont know me that well:p
Chop Chop,
General Practitioner
Doing GP attachment is just like being force to watch an Eight-Hour Marathon of Holyoaks or any kind of soap drama. I wonder, if a Med. Student did enjoy their GP attachment, was he/she a soap fan?He/She must be, definitely. Dont get me wrong, i didn't hate it as i got loads of teaching from the Doctor but sitting in a room doing nothing but just observing really blows my brain out into little crouton like pieces. At least in the Hospital, there are Computer Room, Cafe, Sidewalk for students to run and hide for a couple of minutes;p
p/s: Did like my inner GP attachment tho, got a room of my own to clerk and present
p/s: Did like my inner GP attachment tho, got a room of my own to clerk and present
Time, Please Notify Me if You'r Passing by
Me : So what age are you Miss XOXO
Miss XOXO : I'm twenty emm twenty emmmm...gossh, i'm going to be 30 this year!!Jezz!
Reality bites...
Of Notes, million congratulations to my fellow mates in Malaysian Med School (in UM *Kahfi Jengka 12 , UKM *Rofaizal Mafia&Amar , UPM *Soffee, Hilmi Bob, Shahril Matcha, Sidqi Kering, Saiful Org Tua, Miji, Fatih Sportsman, Yazir, Ramzul, Azman dll byk sgtla!) on your achievement to put in the new polish and shiny 'Dr' title in front of your name. Haiya so jeles loh of you guys!!
Congratulations, god bless and quoting Mourinho, "Be Champions!"
Aizad Azahar
Miss XOXO : I'm twenty emm twenty emmmm...gossh, i'm going to be 30 this year!!Jezz!
Reality bites...
Of Notes, million congratulations to my fellow mates in Malaysian Med School (in UM *Kahfi Jengka 12 , UKM *Rofaizal Mafia&Amar , UPM *Soffee, Hilmi Bob, Shahril Matcha, Sidqi Kering, Saiful Org Tua, Miji, Fatih Sportsman, Yazir, Ramzul, Azman dll byk sgtla!) on your achievement to put in the new polish and shiny 'Dr' title in front of your name. Haiya so jeles loh of you guys!!
Congratulations, god bless and quoting Mourinho, "Be Champions!"
Aizad Azahar
Are you bored?Tired of looking at the same pages over and over again and wondering why do you need to know all those stuff?Feeling trap in your own room?Bored of working?Bored of bossy colleagues? Bored of staying at home for the whole day just watching youtube or AF6?..Well goodnews folks, here are some tips to keep you insane and promise to make a your brain entertained at least in a good few minutes. Some are stupid-like but if you think about it, there are some relevant tips that you can apply in your daily life..
19 ways to maintain healthy level of insanity
1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.(Wan Shu/Neesa, dare you to try this on your senior colleagues/nurses or patients!)
4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "IN".
5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
6. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for smuggling diamonds".
7. Finish all your sentences with "in accordance with the prophecy".
8. Dont use any punctuation
9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat - with a serious face.(I may want to try this in Malaysia on an innocent waitress..hahahaha *evil laugh)
11. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go".
12. Sing along at the opera.
13. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day at work.
14. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.
15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood. (Well to be honest, we'd been doing this for the entire years of our studying in overseas)
16. Have your coworkers address you by your wrestling name, (for me, Awesome Bonecrusher..haha)
17. When the money comes out the ATM, scream "I won! I won!"
18. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling,"run for your lives, they're loose!!"
19. Tell your children over dinner "due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go." ( I might give it a try when i'm old enough and have at least 3-4 children;p)
Chop Chop, Cheerios!
Aizad 'Gabus' Azahar
19 ways to maintain healthy level of insanity
1. At lunch time, sit in your parked car with sunglasses on and point a hairdryer at passing cars. See if they slow down.
2. Page yourself over the intercom. Don't disguise your voice.
3. Every time someone asks you to do something, ask if they want fries with that.(Wan Shu/Neesa, dare you to try this on your senior colleagues/nurses or patients!)
4. Put your garbage can on your desk and label it "IN".
5. Put decaf in the coffee maker for 3 weeks. Once everyone has gotten over their caffeine addictions, switch to espresso.
6. In the memo field of all your checks, write "for smuggling diamonds".
7. Finish all your sentences with "in accordance with the prophecy".
8. Dont use any punctuation
9. As often as possible, skip rather than walk.
10. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat - with a serious face.(I may want to try this in Malaysia on an innocent waitress..hahahaha *evil laugh)
11. Specify that your drive-through order is "to go".
12. Sing along at the opera.
13. Put mosquito netting around your work area and play tropical sounds all day at work.
14. Go to a poetry recital and ask why the poems don't rhyme.
15. Five days in advance, tell your friends you can't attend their party because you're not in the mood. (Well to be honest, we'd been doing this for the entire years of our studying in overseas)
16. Have your coworkers address you by your wrestling name, (for me, Awesome Bonecrusher..haha)
17. When the money comes out the ATM, scream "I won! I won!"
18. When leaving the zoo, start running towards the parking lot yelling,"run for your lives, they're loose!!"
19. Tell your children over dinner "due to the economy, we are going to have to let one of you go." ( I might give it a try when i'm old enough and have at least 3-4 children;p)
Chop Chop, Cheerios!
Aizad 'Gabus' Azahar
A letter to the Devil's No. 7
Dear Christiano Ronaldo,
First of all congratulation for achieving the 30th goal(in all competition) in last night Champions League match. Indeed for right winger, thats an amazing achievement. Guess the hype of you being the new George Best may be true after all. After Cantona, there was no player in Man Utd that can change a game single handedly until you arrived.
Well to be honest, the reason i write this letter is to complain on your performance in this year champions league or every champions league matches you ever been in except for the 7-1 Roma bashing. For your information, i don't have any cable TV in my new house. I can't get the chance to see the RED DEVILS in action week in week out like i used to but i do watch the highlight in rte or youtube tho.This year, i heard a lot of good things about you and you received a lot of praises from the media,players and managers on your performance. So come champions league, i am so excited and looking forward to see Man Utd play.
The problem was, you didn't perform like you usually did in premier league. As proclaim to be one of the current best player in the world, we,the fans,expect you to do more. What annoyed me the most was, you were so lazy to defend, you just stand and watch whenever the other team attack, and leave Wes Brown in a dying state. Common man, i know you were tired from all those deft defying skills, but fans also appreciate hardwork and commitment. So go back and defend and prove Eamon Dunphy that you are the best player that perform's well in the highest level against the quality players from the better teams.
That's the end of my letter, please do send my regards to fergie, tell him to not to be afraid when playing in the European stage. 4-5-1? That is so cowardly! Be like Wenger who excite fans with the attacking philosophy even if they up against the best team in Europe.
Thanks very much for reading my letter, hope all is great for you in the future.
Aizad Azahar
(A Utd fans since 7 y.o)
First of all congratulation for achieving the 30th goal(in all competition) in last night Champions League match. Indeed for right winger, thats an amazing achievement. Guess the hype of you being the new George Best may be true after all. After Cantona, there was no player in Man Utd that can change a game single handedly until you arrived.
Well to be honest, the reason i write this letter is to complain on your performance in this year champions league or every champions league matches you ever been in except for the 7-1 Roma bashing. For your information, i don't have any cable TV in my new house. I can't get the chance to see the RED DEVILS in action week in week out like i used to but i do watch the highlight in rte or youtube tho.This year, i heard a lot of good things about you and you received a lot of praises from the media,players and managers on your performance. So come champions league, i am so excited and looking forward to see Man Utd play.
The problem was, you didn't perform like you usually did in premier league. As proclaim to be one of the current best player in the world, we,the fans,expect you to do more. What annoyed me the most was, you were so lazy to defend, you just stand and watch whenever the other team attack, and leave Wes Brown in a dying state. Common man, i know you were tired from all those deft defying skills, but fans also appreciate hardwork and commitment. So go back and defend and prove Eamon Dunphy that you are the best player that perform's well in the highest level against the quality players from the better teams.
That's the end of my letter, please do send my regards to fergie, tell him to not to be afraid when playing in the European stage. 4-5-1? That is so cowardly! Be like Wenger who excite fans with the attacking philosophy even if they up against the best team in Europe.
Thanks very much for reading my letter, hope all is great for you in the future.
Aizad Azahar
(A Utd fans since 7 y.o)
Away in a lil' while
Am away for little, i miss my kedai mamak(indian cheap restaurant) back home,nearly 2 years without roti canai (had eaten roti canai made by hanif and jaz last year which were great but they are not mamak by default:p)

Lat's beautiful comically insight of an indian restaurant, use to be one of my inspiration until i realize that i have no talent in cartoons or in other words,art

Lat's beautiful comically insight of an indian restaurant, use to be one of my inspiration until i realize that i have no talent in cartoons or in other words,art
Kuala Lumpur in Monopoly?
Boys and girls,please paste the browser below and vote for Kuala Lumpur. Currently, we are 54th in the leaderboard with 0.54% of voters, even Singapore are way higher than us. Amazingly Istanbul is no.1. Common Malaysian, wouldnt it be proud to see Kuala Lumpur in the new Monopoly World Edition board game? please do vote, and we have less than 11 days left to do it by the I post this.
A trip to Croke Park
Hey boys&Girls, below are pictures from last wednesday(6/2) match between Ireland and Brazil. Was so excited to come to this match that i decided to leave early from crumlin so that i'll not be stuck in the evening traffic. At first, i was planning to support Brazil, but our seats are not ideal to be one tho' as we were surrounded by the Irish fans. So i end up being the guy who wears the Brazil's jersey but chanting for Ireland:P Nearly 76,000 attended the match in the typical Irish chilly weather plus rain. All and all, it was a great craic, tho the Irish fans were a bit quiet that night and eventough there were only quarter of the stadium were brazilians, they were really making so much noise esp when Robinho had the ball.By the way,sorry if i make your computer slower than usual(24pictures). Oh, by the way, there's no Kaka, he got injured on Sunday before the match.

Robbie Keane to Duff: Look at Robinho's new boots, it's that the one C.Ronaldo is wearing as well

The Discipline Irish Team Warming up

The Brazilians warming up

A simulation match to help people making the right bet

It was end to end stuff..full of tricks and trade, will leave you at the edge of your seat

Ireland score!! will this be the real outcome?

The Starting Lineup of both teams

The Captains, Gilberto Silva and Robbie Keane

Minute of silence to the victims of Munich Disaster

Go On Duffer!

FreeKick taken by Diego(he's crap..why did Dunga selected him over Anderson?)

Mexican Wave!! Weee!!

Halftime: Happy faces in the wintery temperature (Jimi's close up))

Robinho dictating the play

The only goal scored in the match, Robinho who else

Trademark thumbsucking celebration


Hey Ref, thats supposed to be a penalty, here's the proof

Eyes at the star of the show

75th minute: Now only Dunga realizes the needs to bring in Anderson

Final Score

The Brazilian team shows gratitude to their travelling superfantastic loud fans

Post Match picture

A souvenir picture with a brazilian (xdpt player dpt penyokong pun jadila)
p/s : Chant of the night
'Hey Paul McShane(sunderland)! let 'the beast'(baptista) know who's the real beast is!!' A random guy who was seating infront of me, while Paul McShane was warming up
Robbie Keane to Duff: Look at Robinho's new boots, it's that the one C.Ronaldo is wearing as well
The Discipline Irish Team Warming up
The Brazilians warming up
A simulation match to help people making the right bet
It was end to end stuff..full of tricks and trade, will leave you at the edge of your seat
Ireland score!! will this be the real outcome?
The Starting Lineup of both teams
The Captains, Gilberto Silva and Robbie Keane
Minute of silence to the victims of Munich Disaster
Go On Duffer!
FreeKick taken by Diego(he's crap..why did Dunga selected him over Anderson?)
Mexican Wave!! Weee!!
Halftime: Happy faces in the wintery temperature (Jimi's close up))
Robinho dictating the play
The only goal scored in the match, Robinho who else
Trademark thumbsucking celebration
Hey Ref, thats supposed to be a penalty, here's the proof
Eyes at the star of the show
75th minute: Now only Dunga realizes the needs to bring in Anderson
Final Score
The Brazilian team shows gratitude to their travelling superfantastic loud fans
Post Match picture
A souvenir picture with a brazilian (xdpt player dpt penyokong pun jadila)
p/s : Chant of the night
'Hey Paul McShane(sunderland)! let 'the beast'(baptista) know who's the real beast is!!' A random guy who was seating infront of me, while Paul McShane was warming up
Children's Wisdomism
'My mother only likes babies, when they get older, like me, she smacks them'
Girl aged 8
'Babies need to be loved by their mother in case everybody hates them when they grow up'
Boy aged 7
Girl aged 8
'Babies need to be loved by their mother in case everybody hates them when they grow up'
Boy aged 7
Ridiculous Act of Gangsterism
Got this from the Letters Column in the News Strait Times, 28 of January 2008
A Wanton Act of Just for Kicks
I was on the bus around Petaling Street at 7.50pm when I witnessed a disturbing act of random violence. At a bus stop, there were about 30 to 35 people waiting, including two young men. One looked like he had just finished work, while the other was a casually dressed youth.Suddenly, a group of youths aged between 16 and 22 attacked them. Six or seven of the youths began beating up the casually dressed one, while the rest grabbed the man in work clothes, who didn't struggle as it seemed hopeless. They reached into his trouser pockets. Instead of robbing him, they ripped his trousers down the side.After that, they just walked off laughing. There must have been about 100 witnesses to this attack and nobody near them went to their aid.
It is not just the Mat Rempit prowling the streets at night who are a menace, but also gangs of youths like this one.
What can be done about such thugs, who attack people at such central areas as bus stops?
No wonder my mom always tell me to always be careful hanging around KL, to many fuckingcrazy thugs who seems uncivilised to live in modern Malaysia. But hey, even Ireland also has these sort of thugs, who love to sit at the back of the bus and smokes, or if they are in their mood they will racially harassed any foreingners that are near to their seat...and they say they are ready for tourist beware of the backseat upstairs on the doubledeckers! hahaha
A Wanton Act of Just for Kicks
I was on the bus around Petaling Street at 7.50pm when I witnessed a disturbing act of random violence. At a bus stop, there were about 30 to 35 people waiting, including two young men. One looked like he had just finished work, while the other was a casually dressed youth.Suddenly, a group of youths aged between 16 and 22 attacked them. Six or seven of the youths began beating up the casually dressed one, while the rest grabbed the man in work clothes, who didn't struggle as it seemed hopeless. They reached into his trouser pockets. Instead of robbing him, they ripped his trousers down the side.After that, they just walked off laughing. There must have been about 100 witnesses to this attack and nobody near them went to their aid.
It is not just the Mat Rempit prowling the streets at night who are a menace, but also gangs of youths like this one.
What can be done about such thugs, who attack people at such central areas as bus stops?
No wonder my mom always tell me to always be careful hanging around KL, to many fuckingcrazy thugs who seems uncivilised to live in modern Malaysia. But hey, even Ireland also has these sort of thugs, who love to sit at the back of the bus and smokes, or if they are in their mood they will racially harassed any foreingners that are near to their seat...and they say they are ready for tourist beware of the backseat upstairs on the doubledeckers! hahaha
Ireland vs Brazil
hey guys and girls, Ireland will be hosting brazil for a friendly football match in Croke Park on the 6th of February 2008 (wednesday), 745pm. apparently tickets for this match will be on sale starting on Friday,25th of january, 9am (ticketmaster). Tickets cost from 40euro-55euro..check it out at Bad news is Ronaldinho will not be in the Brazilian squad as of knee injury but Kaka, Robinho, Anderson and the new AC Milan Teenage sensation Pato will be there. So?..who's going? drop me a line if your thinking about it..
January baby
Mary Casey (most matured student in my class) said and i quote, " in other way I'm glad that trinity change my timetable to have paeds on January..there are so much things to read, with the projects and presentations comes in the way, i doubt i cant cover it all if I'll do it during September/ all we need is a good elective to revise this summer"
Tim Savage (Paediatric lecturer) said and i quote " a meeting by the Paediatric department had been done and statistically January and February student didnt do well in the finals paeds exam " (followed by sudden roar by the students)
p/s : Go Mary go go go!
Tim Savage (Paediatric lecturer) said and i quote " a meeting by the Paediatric department had been done and statistically January and February student didnt do well in the finals paeds exam " (followed by sudden roar by the students)
p/s : Go Mary go go go!
Haiya Tan Hong Ming;D
Caught this video yesterday while surfing youtube. Tho it may seems like i was a bit 'ketinggalan zaman' as this ad was shown during our 50th Merdeka Celebration, i still want to share this to others who are also 'zamannya ketinggalan'.Cute performance from the budding actor&actress. Tan Hong Ming expression when Umi Qazriena reveals he was her boyfriend is priceless!!..and Tan Hong Ming, we had the same sekolah rendah hairstyle loh!
p/s: Anep, sorry no milo ice for you;p x aci beb..btw, the answer to the riddle below is 48, because on the 48th day the frog can jump more than 50metres onto the world.Thank you
Taken from Rule of Four, the first one to get the correct answer will get milo ais free except those who read the book!..haha
If a frog falls down a fifty foot well and has to climb a way out, making three feet of progress everyday, but slipping down two feet every night, in how many days will it escape?
If a frog falls down a fifty foot well and has to climb a way out, making three feet of progress everyday, but slipping down two feet every night, in how many days will it escape?
Sidestepping into Politics
On reflecting in the recent election in Kenya, in my opinion when majority of the nations national election will always end up with accusations, violence's and riots it's very hard to accept the benefit of being a democratic nation. Humans are naturally sore losers even one didn't admit so. Guess in this case tyranny is the best policy..sigh~ Can all politicians just work together as one and help the cause of people instead of only caring for their own bulging tummy? Maybe they will when horns grow on cat's head

Human life are far more important to care than a politician idea of an ideal life
Human life are far more important to care than a politician idea of an ideal life
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