Talk Show in The Mute
Polka-Dot Boy
Uganda Revisited Part 1
Boda-boda guy: Hey! How are you? You Japanese?
Me: Ermm nope, i'm Malaysian
Boda-Bodaguy: Hey, dont japanese!
Me: Heck no, never am, never will (smiling)
Boda-boda guy : No you are Japanese, give us some some money, we buy a lot of your vehicles in Uganda. We help your country so give us money
Me: Haha..(keep on walking)
p/s: he meant no harm, he was just being friendly. thats Ugandan, voted the 2nd friendliest people in African continent after Malawians
Longest Night in The North Hemisphere
In terms, today will mark the longest night in the year or the shortest day in the year, and in praying time it will be the earliest Magreb prayer in the year (4.06pm kot). This time of the year plays a significant part in the annual cycle of the year in the Neolithic time. It shows in the archaeological site like Stonehenge in Britain (the primary axis of it is aligned on a sight line framing of the winter solstice sunset) and the New Grange,Brú na Bóinne in Ireland (the primary axis aligned with the winter solstice sunrise)
Other major historic event during this time of the year are:
1) 69 - Year of the four emperors: Following Galba, Otho and Vitellius, Vespasian becomes the fourth Emperor of Rome within a year
2)1913 - Arthur Wynne's "word-cross", the first crossword puzzle, is published in the New York World
3)1937 - The film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is premiered at the Carthay Circle Theater in Los Angeles.
4)1973 - The Geneva Conference on the Arab-Israeli conflict opens
5)1995 - The city of Bethlehem passes from Israeli to Palestinian control
A lot cultures mark this day with festivals, such are Amaterasu Festival in Japan, Chaomos by the Kalash of Pakistan, Dongzi Festival by the Buddhist in East Asian, Inta Raymi in Peru, Feast of Saint Lucy by the Eastern Orthodox, Makara Sankranti by the Indians and Nepalese Hindus, Şeva Zistanê by the Kurdish and many more!
Plus it is also the birthday of Jane Fonda, the greatest fitness aerobic video maker ever:p
Cest la vie people, happy holidays! Peesseee out
thriller night

And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller
"Thriller-Michael Jackson
Ever since The 2007/2008 Trinity Biosoc Panto had ended last Friday, this song had been kept playing inside my head. Maybe its because of their dance in the Panto's opening act or maybe its because of Wacko Jacko's groovy beat. Spooky!
By the by, congratulations to the current biosoc committee and the panto's crew for good quality easy to the eyes and the ears Panto. Definitely worth my fiver! (as if they read my blog)
Points to Ponder
2) As we grew, we move on, with it come changes. Changes don't always be bad. It depends on our ability to adapt and not live in the past. It will be nasty if we think it's nasty.
3) Incongruity assumption is by far our biggest past times
Side Track
Currently caught up reading 'A Thousang Splendid Sun', written by the famous writer of 'The Kite Runner'. Bought it in Eason last weekend with their 3 books for 2 offer. Still got some 30pages to go before, but it is definitely a damngood book. It will truly match your expectation from a book that follows 'The Kite Runner'. So buy it, buy it, get is as your christmas present and you can enjoy reading it under the warmth of your duvet:D

While we are still in reviewing mode, if you'r into movies, do watch 'The Darjeeling Limited'. It suits everyone who's into original movies with a creative artsy touch with beautiful but nontouristy background sort of thing. Well it didnt have any bar fighting scene, cars chasing, buildings explode, denzel saving people boarding a ferry, bikini-clad girls, shower scene spacecraft shooting laser guns etc etc the typical Hollywood stuff but i say, you will love it. If you are not into this type of movie, please do watch just the Intro;)

p/s: Su was starstruck after watching Adam Brody:p
Make-up bills
The office of Taoiseach defended the spending by saying it was necessary because of the harsh lighting used on TV. Quoting a spokeswomen "with regard to make up services, people appearing before camera under artificial lighting conditions are required to use make up to counter the effects of strong lighting that is used by media organisation"
Yeah, we know that we have to look the best to appear on television, but 20000+ a year? You are not Angelina Jolie man...just look natural with a few foundation might suits you. Now, thats why his cutting cost everywhere and give himself a raise!hmmm

Bertie:Because i'm worth it..
2 behind the back passes + 1 slam = MAGNIFIQUE
that's what we call amazing teamwork baby!..i love this game
my new addiction..

Bought this game for just 7.99euro in Game Shop on Tuesday evening (ala jgn convertla). In fact they have an offer of 'buy 3 games for 15euro' on selected PC classic games ,but not an avid gamer myself, i settled for just one game, and what an awesome game it was!!!
Used to play the games from simcity series way back when i was darjah 6 and it all started by watching my elder brother playing it. Since then, it became one of my top favourite PC games(along with the Fifa Series plus NBA).
Bravo to 'Sold-Out' to reproduce this game again after so many years. Well,let see whether the 23years old Aizad is more Mayor/Cityplanner hotshot compare to the 13years old version;p
Batman, trying to make himself blend in the crowd
He even had a can of beer or two! Gosh, weird stuff Batman!!
p/s: Cant wait for the Man of Steel to join Batman here in Ireland;p
Med Cup
- It is played with high level of spirit with the dignity of your class is determine by your foot
- More fun to play with classmate from different international background
- The enthusiastic cheers and if you're lucky u'll get a song singin with ur name in it:)
- Last ever Med Cup with classmates
- Awesome, enough said!
the team of hardworking old bunch, note WWE Superstar The Undertaker(3rd standing from your right) was also included in this team by special request;p
The starting lineup
In the end, We managed to thrash the 1st year 6-3, but lost our unbeaten record against the 3rd year 0-2, and after the tensed match with the 3rd year (we had 14players including 2girls and we were so wrecked after the 2nd match with 4 guys getting injuries) we lost to the 2nd year 3-0. Guess age really hit you hard aye! ;D
To summarize, we didn't had a great squad compared to last year because of the bank holiday weekend but it was surely good to see that the team put in all their effort in the game and the spirit of togetherness was amazing even tho some of us werent that close in class. To quote the saying of The self proclaim special one Mourinho, 'Chin Up' boys and girls! because we deserved so:D

p/s: Was diving by the slight push of a defender in the penalty area with the full grace of a profesional footballer but didnt got a penalty. Instead was being asked by the ref to get up. Well, i tried :p
my room parte deux..
the main door and the stairs that lead to my flat. note my red bicycle (wish i have a cool racer bike tho)
The telephone beside my flat. My landlord said that it is no longer working but sometimes i heard it rang, and last week it rangs 3 days in a row at 648pm..mysterious isn't it
My bed with an awesome Superman poster and the Simpsons poster attached to the wall. The kitchen on the left of this picture separated by a divider/counter
View from the end of my bed
My study desk with the TeeVee on my right and the bookshelves with few miniature statues on top of it on my left. There's a dvd player on the right bottom corner of the picture under the TeeVee, but it is not working..but what the heck, i got it for free, just for decorative purpose;p
The Story of Cuchulain
Cuchulain had a different named when he was a boy, he was name Setanta. In the mythology he is the son of god Lugh and Deichtine, sister of the King of Ulster. He grew up in Ireland in County Antrim. Setanta had a stick and ball and one day while playing around, he hit the ball and it went into the mouth of a big dog that belong to Culain(random guy) and choked the poor dog. Culain was angry and wondered who's going to guard his house and his beautiful wife and his ten small children as well as numerous pigs, hens, sheep(wow he must have acres of land!)?
Setanta apologized and vowed to guard Culain house with his stick and ball and changed his name to Cuchulain which means 'The Hound of Culain'. He guarded the house and regions beyond and became a great hero far better/stronger/faster/super than Hercules or Achilles. The Irish brags that Cuchulain can take on King Arthur and all his knights in a fair fight,but of course with the Englishman you will never had a fair fight. Hmm wonder who would win if he fight with our Hang Tuah with the Taming Sari of his.
Lough Neagh, the largest lake of Ireland was where Cuchulain would swim after his battles. Cuchulain would get so hot that when he jumped into Lough Neagh it boiled over and warmed the surrounding countryside for days(free heating service!). He will catch the eels with his barehands from the lough and swallow them because in the myth raw eels will give you powers beyond doubt.
Cuchulain was killed by Lugaid with a magical spear. Being wounded he tied himself to a stone so that he can face his enemy even when he is dead. You can find this stone at Knockbrigde, County Louth which is call The Standing Stone of Cuchulain and it is still standing!
Cuchulain enemies were still afraid of him that they sent a raven to his corpse and only when the raven lands on Cuchulain shoulder will the enemies believe he is dead. Lugaid then chopped Cuchulain's head off but as he did so Cuchulain's sword fall off and cut Lugaid hand(hahahaha fair play to you Sir Lugaid with your magical voodoo spear!)
I know this post it's now very very long but hang's the funny part, it is about Cuchulain marriage. Cuchulain was twenty one and he had the urge to get marry like young male adults do;D He was lonely and it made him weak. All the women in Ireland were mad about Cuchulain and they wanted to marry him which is grand because he didnt mind marrying them all as he can easily beat the crap of all the irish man in Ireland so why cant he marry all the women. But the wise King, Conor MacNessa said that would make all men in Ireland lonely in far reaches of night esp. in winter when the night is very long. The King decided to organize a contest to see who shall marry Cuchulain and it is a "Pissing Contest"..yup PISSING! Imagine that guys and girls!
All the women of Ireland gather in the King Castle to see who could piss the longest and it was Emer. Emer was the Champion Pisser of Ireland and married Cuchulain. To this day Emer was called The Great Bladdered Emer!
Thats the end of Cuchulain, his statue was presented to the public in the G.P.O to commerate the people who died in the Easter Week event.
So folks! When you pass by the GPO do pay a visit to Cuchulain,and if you have a camera please do take a picture of it. Who knows it may be a great story to tell your family, children and of course your grandchildren. Hey, a cool grandpa/ma is the one who tell loads of amazing stories.
Thanks for reading this long post guys! To the final years..goodluck in your upcoming exam..hope u all have an awesome time studying! haha;D may God bless your hard work!
Stay positive..pissssss out fellas!

Cuchulain Statue in GPO
1)Angela's Ashes by Frank Mc Court
life saviour
aidilfitri eve
Berhati-hati dijalan raya,semoga anda selamat pulang,
Ucapan Selamat Hari Raya dari Saya untuk semua;p"
p/s: Sorry Eon for stealing your famous raya theme song
Assalamualaikum, aidilfitri is coming. It's time to unpack your new/old baju melayu,baju kurung,kebarung and kebaya and iron it till it crisps and smooth!haha
This year will be my fifth year of celebrating aidilfitri in the land of Green. The sadness of not having a chance to spend 'raya' with your family is still there but hey, life goes right. Looking back throughout these years, spending 'raya' in Dublin was not that bad. In fact its AWESOME!!(haha kinda exagerating here)..well sometimes it is and sometimes it is not. I think the ingredient is with whom you are spending/hanging your 'raya with'. I once gave an opening speech of the uniqueness of Malaysian spending 'raya' here. On how we dressed up with our best clothes walking to Malaysian Hall with all eyes watching at us(at our samping esp.) and even cars honking at us. Some enquiristic mind may also ask us on what we are wearing and why.
Then after our prayers we flock out from the hall for our favourite photography session. We take off our jackets/coats and brave the cold weather just as long as our new 'baju raya' is not hidden underneath it and to be in the picture. Then people will regroup and head off to their destined raya place i.e to friend's, stranger's(example like how afifah experience) and our most favourite destination 'Haji Fauzi'(very rich but extremely humble+generous dude who has been living here for so long). When you take a bus, you will see a group a malaysian and sometimes malaysian occupied the whole seat upstairs of the double decker bus to go to raya. It will fill with bahasa melayu all around that sometimes it's kinda 'pening' as malaysian talks very loud esp. in large group excited to go to 'raya' and planning their trip that some of them even has up to 10 houses to go to in a day. Talk about bloated stomach! Some may have a goodnight sleep after a full stomach and some lucky ones may have diarrhoea.
In the end it has been an Awesome 4 years. Let see what will happen in the fifth year. Quoted from Wan Mohd Firdaus(UK) on his raya trip to Dublin "inilah raya yang paling happening aku pernah rasa" (well after renting a car and 16 houses..who doesnt :D ).
These are few of the more memorable picture of my experience here in Dublin, Ireland(notice the difference in the quality of pictures as time passes by..from 2mp-6mp-whooping SLR) :
The Malays bunch in Trinity from final tp premed (03/04)
1st compulsory group picture in M'sa Hall (03/04)

exPackenham housemate soon father to be Azlan still in mamai mode on 'pagi raya' (04/05)
exHousemates+Wan Mohd Firdaus celebrating raya on a high note (04/05)

hanif in dying need of water=extremely hot dishes! (04/05)
Jumping in excitement= weekend jalan raya (05/06)
aiiiiiiiiiii....there ye go..not a good start for the week for ye'!!!

new place call home
(off note: this is not in the exact measurement..a bit exaggerating actually;p)
later will attach real pictures..adios amigos!
Few Words of Hello from the kindalostforpurpose Newbie
U guys may be asking, "hey dude,thot u don't like blogging so why is the blog?..u must be bored to death". Well honestly, it is true that im a weeeebit bored..but not to death, just a weebit(sbb puasa kot..haha). The real reason for this is..i don't just snap out after arriving home from my 1st day of school with the strong urge to pee and suddenly "eh kalau buat blog best jugak kan(still fighting the urge)". So here i am with my legs in a frantic movement trying to type my first ever post(another history in the making for my short 23years of life yet). I've been contemplating on whether or not to start a blog since last year i.e when this blog thing started to boom and become a big thing among my friends whom majority of them has their own blog(talk about peer pressure). It seems that this year,the curve is starting to defluctuate as most of them are kinda busy with their final year or work so hence the born of my blog (so that people won't accuse me of surrendering to the pressure of my peers..hahaha), also i took an oath with ipin to not having a blog as it is not cool to have one..but since that he just move out to a world far far away from earth,i think thats no harm in starting one as long as u guys don't tell 'SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH'
the urge is getting stronger and im afraid i can't bear it anymore...still thinking of real reason to have this blog tho..oh maybe next time...c u guys..take care when crossing the road!..bye